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I offer illustration services that include licensing and commissioned work. With experience in book and cover design, as well as greeting card and gift design, I am here to help. If you're interested in discussing any of these options, please reach out—I would love to hear from you. Below are examples of my work and the clients I have created it for, I use both hand-painted and digital techniques in my illustrations.

Illustration Services: In the Kitchen illustration with female tasting food.
Green and pink flower and leaf greetings card design
Yellow and green greeting card with flowers and leaves
Pink flower and leaf greetings card

Noel Tatt Greetings Card designs.

Black line drawing on white ground of a water well and flowers.

Cirander Publishing: Colouring Book

Watercolour painting of pruple and pink flowers
Watercolour painting of pink flowers.
Watercolour painting of purple flower

Milkwood Publishing: Greetings Cards.

Double Page spread black line illustration for Anna Karenina Colouring book

SJG Gift Publishing: Colouring Book

watercolour illustration of gardening tools by Julie Ingham
watercolour illustration of gardening tools by Julie Ingham
gardening tools by Julie Ingham

Greeting Card Designs

Russian doll illustration by Julie Ingham
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Scholastic Publishing: Colouring Book.

Pencil drawing of a measuring jug.
Pencil drawing of Olive Branch
garlic bulb v2 copy.jpg

Paragon Publishing: Cookery Book FOOD HEROES

Julie Ingham Wine and Cheese  watercolour illustration.
Julie Ingham Kitchen Utensils watercolour illustration
Colouring book cover with Space Doodleson the cover illustrated by Julie Ingham

Centrum Books: Colouring Book

Christmas Card design of city scape of London with red bus and taxi.
 London Cafe Scene drawn in balck line with red detail designed for greetings cards.
 San Francisco Scene drawn in balck line with red detail of boy flying a kite, designed for greetings cards.

UKG and WH Smiths: Greetings Cards

Space Rocket black outline drawing for colouring book.
People in a queue, black line drawn illustration, drawn by Julie Ingham
People in a queue: drawn by Julie Ingham
Black line image drawing of chef in a kitchen baking.
Black line image of girl in a shop with some produce next to her.

Simon Schuster, QED:  Line work

Musical instruments: black line drawing with small amount of colour added to instruments.

Hinkler Publishing: Activity book

commision: book cover. How to save a life. Cover shows a lady sat on a bench

Usborne Books: Book cover

Black line drawing for Anna Kerenina illutsrated by Julie ingham
Black line drawing for Anna Kerenina colouring book.

SJG Gift Publishing: Colouring Book

Christmas plants Christmas Card using watercolour by Julie Ingham
Christmas plants Christmas Card using watercolour by Julie Ingham

Papyrus USA: Christmas Cards

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